Each month, APA members have free access to an on-demand CME course on a popular topic.*
Members Course of the Month
Zoomers in Mind: Engaging the Youth Mental Health Crisis
This course analyzes societal changes contributing to increased adolescent stress and examines the specific mental health disorders and outcomes associated with this stress. By considering the interplay between adolescent stress and family function, participants will gain insights into engagement as a key principle in addressing and healing the mental health crisis among Gen Z teens.
What Is the Role of Psychiatry in K-12 Schools? Addressing High Risk Scenarios While Supporting the Continuum of Mental Health Care in Schools
This course explores the critical role of mental health services in schools, particularly for underserved student populations. Participants will learn about the increasing mental health challenges faced by youth and the importance of integrating psychiatry into school settings to support a continuum of mental health services. The course highlights a successful service delivery model in North Carolina, providing practical guidance on implementing and scaling social-emotional and mental health supports within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework.
Past Members Course of the Month
*Each Members Course of the Month will be available free to members for the duration of the applicable month. The course will continue to be available for a fee after the month expires.