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Resource Documents

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96 Results

The Role of Psychiatrists in the Post-Roe Era

  • 2024

This resource document will outline clinical considerations for psychiatrists in a post-Dobbs world and provide guidance in navigating a new and complex landscape related to abortion.

Psychiatry and Military Service

  • 2024

This resource is in reference to active-duty, Reserve, and National Guard members of the military. It does not apply to veterans. For simplicity, the terms “in the military” or “military members” will be used to refer to active-duty, Reserve, and National Guard members.

Acute Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of COVID-19 Infection

  • 2023

This resource document will describe acute neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19 infection. Importantly, the literature on neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly, and many of the largest and best studies were based on early waves and variants.


  • 2023

The purpose of this resource document is to help educate psychiatrists, physicians, other providers and the community about the current literature of CBD and how to approach psychoeducation in a tactful and nonjudgmental manner.

Implementation of Measurement-Based Care

  • 2023

A guide to develop resources to help solo as well as small-group psychiatrist practices and health systems including psychiatric care implement measurement-based care into routine practice.

Telepsychiatry for Adults in Jails and Prisons

  • 2023
  • 2023

A guide for psychiatrists interested in or already working with adults who are incarcerated in jails or prisons and for whom telepsychiatry is a current or potential clinical practice. This may also be helpful for psychiatric administrators in correctional facilities who are considering the implementation of telepsychiatry.

Digital Mental Health 101

  • 2023
  • 2023

This guide is an introduction to the broad considerations that should be understood by mental health professionals and patients alike when engaging with mobile health (mHealth) solutions.

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