The Mental Health and Faith Community Partnership is a collaboration between psychiatrists and clergy aimed at fostering a dialogue between two fields, reducing stigma, and accounting for medical and spiritual dimensions as people seek care. The convening organizations are APA, the APA Foundation and the Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition, a program of the American Association of People with Disabilities.
The partnership provides an opportunity for psychiatrists and the mental health community to learn from spiritual leaders, to whom people often turn in times of mental distress. At the same time it provides an opportunity to improve understanding of the best science and evidence based treatment for psychiatric illnesses among faith leaders and those in the faith community.
Resources for Faith Leaders

Mental Health: A Guide for Faith Leaders
This guide provides information to help faith leaders work with members of their congregations and their families who are facing mental health challenges.

Quick Reference Guide
View the quick refrence on Mental Health for Faith Leaders, a companion to the Guide.
Copyright ©2018 American Psychiatric Association Foundation. All rights reserved.
Additional Resources
- Essays
- A Conception of the Interface Connecting Faith and Mental Health, Clark S. Aist, Ph.D.
- The Interface between Religion/Spirituality and Mental Health, John Peteet, M.D.
- A Call to Healing, Craig Rennebohm, M.Div.
- Mental Illness and Families of Faith: How Congregations Can Respond, Susan Gregg-Schroeder
- World Psychiatric Association Section on Religion, Spirituality and Psychiatry
- Bibliography of Faith/Mental Health Resources
- Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Faith Communities Task Force
Contact us
For more information, contact Amy Porfiri at [email protected].