Mental health care is different from most other fields of medical practice. The complexity of our brains, combined with external factors influencing mental well-being, creates variables that make it hard to measure and evaluate effective care.
That's why we created PsychPRO.
Regardless of your organization's size or type, you can now access best practices and optimal care standards to assess and quantify patient progress.
Resources & FAQs
Review our recommended resources and the most common questions we receive about PsychPRO&emdash;from data access and privacy to cost and requirements to everything in between.

Large Practices/Health Systems
Collaborate across practices and efficiently report via your EHR with optimized data and simplified, standardized workflows. Calculate various quality measures, including many for Medicaid and the Joint Commission.
With user-friendly dashboards, you can access benchmarks, quickly assess clinician performance, and compare your organization to those ranking highest nationally to inform public reporting.

Academic Medical Centers
PsychPRO helps you prioritize mental health in your institution by calculating quality metrics to improve care and patient outcomes. Use the data to prepare a solid case for why your department needs to be top of mind.
Gain access to future patient pools for clinical trials, and maintain the freedom to designate and restrict data you prefer not to share or need to reserve for first use.

Individual Practitioners/Small Practices
Keep your practice ahead of the curve by streamlining patient data collection with PsychPRO. Monitor aggregated data over time, track performance and patient improvement, target outcome measures, and get perspective by comparing to other organizations.
Plus, PsychPRO automatically calculates many QPP quality measures, which may provide an advantage as you can use information for improvement prior to participating in any required quality program.
Get Started with PsychPRO
Ready to highlight efficacy in your organization?