District Branches & State Associations
Members in the United States and Canada shall belong to the district branch as defined by a work or home address. Updating your District Branch Preferred Address (or mailing address, if no preferred district branch has been selected) to a jurisdiction other than your current district branch (to a different state or if in NY, CA or DC Metro Area where zip codes define jurisdiction) may result in a transfer to a different district branch. Resident-Fellow Members are automatically assigned to the district branch related to their residency program address. Verify or update your address and/or preferred district branch at my.psychiatry.org (login required).
Find your district branch or state association. Each district branch and state association is organized alphabetically and by location.
Alabama Psychiatric Physicians Association
- Meghan Martin, Executive Director
- mmartin@alamedical.org
- PO Box 1900
- Montgomery, AL 36102-1900
- Phone: (334) 954-2500
- Fax: (334) 269-5200
- alabamapsych.org
Alaska Psychiatric Association
- Tammy Thiel, Executive Director
- tthiel@nextwavegroup.net
- 574E Ritchie Highway, #271
- Severna Park, MD 21146
- Phone: (907) 242-2090
Arizona Psychiatric Society
- Ashley Schnock, Executive Director
- admin@azpsych.org
- 2401 West Peoria Avenue, Suite 130
- Phoenix, AZ 85029-4790
- Phone: (602) 347-6903
- Fax: (602) 242-6283
- http://azpsych.org
Arkansas Psychiatric Society
- Mary Ann Mansfield, Executive Director
- mamansfield@arkmed.org
- PO Box 251365
- Little Rock, AR 72225-1365
- Phone: (501) 908-1662
- facebook.com/ArkPsyche/
Northern California Psychiatric Society
- Stephen Gamboa, Executive Director
- info@ncps.org
- 77 Van Ness Ave Ste 101
- San Francisco, CA 94102-6042
- Phone: (415) 334-2418
- Fax: (415) 334-2418
- www.ncps.org
Central California Psychiatric Society
- Chris Stockton, Executive Director
- cstockton@pesc.com
- 4747 N 1st St Ste 140
- Fresno, CA 93726-0517
- Phone: (888) 234-1613
- Fax: (559) 227-1463
- cencalpsych.org
Orange County Psychiatric Society
- Pam Reed Presnall, Executive Director
- pam@ocps.org
- 5000 Campus Dr
- Newport Beach, CA 92660
- Phone: (949) 250-3157
- Fax: (949) 398-8120
- ocps.org
San Diego Psychiatric Society
- Karla Lapic, Executive Director
- info@sandiegopsychiatricsociety.org
- 7770 Regents Rd, Suite #113
- San Diego, CA 92122-1937
- Phone: (858) 279-4586
- www.sandiegopsychiatricsociety.org
Southern California Psychiatric Society
- Mindi Thelen, Executive Director
- scps2999@earthlink.net
- P.O. Box 10023
- Palm Desert, CA 92255
- Phone: (310) 815-3650
- www.socalpsych.org
Ontario District Branch
- Colleen Gambier, Executive Director
- odbapa@rogers.com
- 107 Civic Centre Drive
- Whitby, ON ON L1R 0C8
- Phone: (905) 441-2914
- Fax: (416) 493-0399
- odbapa.org
Quebec & Eastern Canada District Branch
- Martine Deriger, Executive Director
- mderiger@fmsq.org
- Case postale 216, succursale Desjardins
- Montreal, QC QC H5B 1G8
- Phone: (514) 350-5128
- fmsq.org/en
Western Canada District Branch
- Gabrielle Lynch-Staunton, Executive Director
- wcdbapa@gmail.com
- P.O. Box 47063
- Vancouver, BC V6G 3E1
- Phone: (778) 886-1791
Colorado Psychiatric Society
- Anna Weaver-Hayes, Executive Director
- anna@coloradopsychiatric.org
- P.O. Box 22723
- Denver, CO 80227
- Phone: (303) 692-8783
- coloradopsychiatric.org
Connecticut Psychiatric Society
- Don Knox, Executive Director
- don.knox@civicamanagement.com
- 430 New Park Ave Suite 102, PMB 207
- West Hartford, CT 06106
- Phone: (860) 980-4353
- Fax: (860) 980-4353
- ctpsych.org
Psychiatric Society of Delaware
- Megan Hayes, Executive Director
- megan.hayes@medsocdel.org
- 900 Prides Xing
- Newark, DE 19713-6100
- Phone: (302) 224-5181
- Fax: (302) 366-1354
District of Columbia
Washington Psychiatric Society
- Yolanda Johnson, Executive Director
- yjohnson@nextwavegroup.net
- 550M Ritchie Highway, #271
- Severna Park, MD 21146
- Phone: (410) 647-5002
- Fax: (202) 544-4640
- dcpsych.org
Florida Psychiatric Society
- Kendra Adams, Executive Director
- kendra@floridapsych.org
- 521 E Park Ave
- Tallahassee, FL 32301-2524
- Phone: (800) 521-7465
- Fax: (850) 224-8406
- www.floridapsych.org
Georgia Psychiatric Physicians Association Inc
- Travis Lindley, Executive Director
- travis@gapsychiatry.org
- 2700 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 150
- Atlanta, GA 30339
- Phone: (404) 298-7100
- Fax: (404) 299-7029
- gapsychiatry.org
Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association
- Stefanie Y. Sakamoto, Executive Director
- HPMAexec@gmail.com
- P.O. Box 2785
- Honolulu, HI 96803
- Phone: (808) 302-1393
- hpma.memberclicks.net
Idaho Psychiatric Association
- Mike Oster, Executive Director
- mike@idmed.org
- PO Box 2668
- Boise, ID 83701-2668
- Phone: (208) 344-7888
- Fax: (208) 344-7903
- idahopsychiatric.org
Illinois Psychiatric Society
- Kristen Malloy, Executive Director (Interim)
- kmalloy@ilpsych.org
- 113 McHenry Road, Suite 239
- Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
- Phone: (312) 224-2600
- Fax: (312) 267-0983
- illinoispsychiatricsociety.org
Indiana Psychiatric Society
- Sara Stramel-Brewer, Executive Director
- executivedirector@indianapsych.net
- PO Box 30413
- Indianapolis, IN 46230-0413
- Phone: (888) 477-9119
- Fax: (888) 477-9119
- www.indianapsychiatricsociety.org
Iowa Psychiatric Physicians Society
- Sara Stramel-Brewer, Executive Director
- director@iowapsychsociety.org
- PO Box 30413
- Indianapolis, IN 46230
- Phone: (317) 407-1173
- Fax: (888) 477-9119
- iowapsychiatry.org
Kansas Psychiatric Society
- Steve Kearney, Executive Director
- steve@kearneyandassociates.com
- 1200 SW 10th Ave
- Topeka, KS 66604-1204
- Phone: (785) 233-7154
- Fax: (785) 234-2433
- kansaspsychiatry.org
Kentucky Psychiatric Medical Association
- Miranda Sloan, Executive Director
- msloan@kypsych.org
- Post Office Box 7246
- Louisville, KY 40257
- Phone: (502) 695-4843
- www.kypsych.org
Louisiana Psychiatric Medical Association
- Terri Watson, Executive Director
- lpmastaff@lpma.net
- 574E Ritchie Highway, #271
- Severna Park , MD 21146
- Phone: (504) 699-0025
- Fax: (410) 544-4640
- www.lpma.net
Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians
- Tracy Lloyd, Executive Director
- tlloyd@mainemed.com
- PO Box 190
- Manchester, ME 04351-0190
- Phone: (207) 622-7743
- Fax: (207) 622-3332
- www.mainepsych.org
Maryland Psychiatric Society Inc
- Meagan Floyd, Executive Director
- mps@mdpsych.org
- 1101 Saint Paul St Ste 305
- Baltimore, MD 21202-2642
- Phone: (410) 625-0232
- Fax: (410) 625-0277
- mdpsych.org
Massachusetts Psychiatric Society
- Debbie Brennan, Executive Director
- dbrennan@mms.org
- 860 Winter Street
- Waltham, MA 02451
- Phone: (781) 237-8100 EXT 2
- Fax: (781) 464-4896
- psychiatry-mps.org
Michigan Psychiatric Society
- Bob Kosowski, Executive Director
- michpsychsoc@gmail.com
- P.O. Box 1781
- East Lansing, MI 48826
- Phone: (517) 333-0838
- Fax: (517) 333-0220
- michiganpsychiatricsociety.com
Minnesota Psychiatric Society
- Linda Vukelich, Executive Director
- l.vukelich@comcast.net
- 2738 Evergreen Cir
- St Paul, MN 55110
- Phone: (651) 407-1873
- Fax: (651) 407-1754
- mnpsychsoc.org
Mississippi Psychiatric Association Inc.
- Angela Ladner, Executive Director
- mpa39206@aol.com
- 755 Avignon Dr.
- Ridgeland, MS 39157-5120
- Phone: (601) 898-9662
- Fax: (601) 853-3002
- msmpa.com
Missouri Psychiatric Physicians Association
- Sandy Boeckman, Executive Director
- missouripsych@gmail.com
- 772 E Capitol Ave
- Jefferson City, MO 65101-4009
- Phone: (573) 635-5070
- Fax: (573) 635-7823
- missouripsychiatry.org
Montana Psychiatric Association
- Leonard Lantz, Acting Executive Director
- montanapsych@gmail.com
- 2735 Colonial Dr., Ste. A,
- Helena, MT 59601
- Phone: (406) 204-2151
- montanapsych.org
Nebraska Psychiatric Society
- Carol Wang, Executive Director
- cwang@omahamedical.com
- 7906 Davenport St.
- Omaha, NE 68114-3631
- Phone: (402) 393-1415
- Fax: (402) 393-3216
- nebraskapsych.org
Nevada Psychiatric Association
- Roberta Again, Executive Director
- executivedirector@nvpsychiatry.org
- 2590 E Russell Rd.
- Las Vegas, NV 89120-2417
- Phone: (877) 493-0007
- Fax: (702) 463-3943
- nvpsychiatry.org
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Psychiatric Society
- Catrina Watson, Executive Director
- catrina.watson@nhms.org
- 7 N State St
- Concord, NH 03301-4039
- Phone: (603) 224-7083
- Fax: (603) 226-2432
- nhpsych.org
New Jersey
New Jersey Psychiatric Association
- Patricia DeCotiis, Esq., Executive Director
- Patricia.DeCotiis@njpsychiatry.org
- 57 South Main Street #201
- Neptune, NJ 07753
- Phone: (908) 588-3540
- Fax: (908) 588-3540
- njpsychiatry.org
New Mexico
Psychiatric Medical Association of New Mexico
- Nick Arenella, Executive Director
- psychiatricnm@pmanm.org
- 933 San Mateo Blvd. NE Suite 500, Mailbox 118
- Albuquerque, NM 87108
- Phone: (902) 430-8150
- Fax: (505) 828-0336
- https://www.pmanm.org/
New York
New York State Psychiatric Association – Area 2
- Rachel A. Fernbach, Executive Director
- centraloffice@nyspsych.org
- 400 Garden City Plz., Ste 202
- Garden City, NY 11530-3336
- Phone: (516) 542-0077
- Fax: (516) 542-0094
- nyspsych.org
Bronx District Branch
- Megan Rogers, Executive Director
- mrogers@moritthock.com
- 400 Garden City Plz. Ste 200
- Garden City, NY 11530-3336
- Phone: (914) 967-7065
- Fax: (516) 873-2010
- nyspsych.org/bronx-district-branch
Brooklyn Psychiatric Society Inc
- Linda Majowka, Executive Director
- lindabps@aol.com
- 4 Chimney Ct.
- Brookhaven, NY 11719-9538
- Phone: (631) 286-9193
- nyspsych.org/brooklyn-psychiatric-society
Central New York District Branch
- Donna Gajda, Executive Secretary
- Centralnydb@gmail.com
- 400 Garden City Plz., Ste 202
- Garden City, NY 11530-3336
- Phone: (516) 542-0077
- Fax: (516) 542-0094
- nyspsych.org/central-new-york-district-branch
Genesee Valley Psychiatric Association
- Susan Diesel, Executive Director
- sue_diesel@twc.com
- 681 Chestnut Ridge Rd
- Rochester, NY 14624-5319
- Phone: (585) 275-6917
- Fax: (585) 889-5577
- nyspsych.org/genesee-valley-psychiatric-association
Mid-Hudson Psychiatric Society
- Michele Patterson-Valenzano, Executive Director
- annetmidhudson@aol.com
- 141 Van Wagner Rd.
- Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-1341
- Phone: (845) 452-5894
- Fax: (845) 452-5894
- midhudsonps.org
Nassau Suffolk District Branch (formerly Greater Long Island Psychiatric Society)
- Donna Gajda, Executive Director
- centraloffice@nassausuffolkdb.org
- 400 Garden City Plz. Ste 202
- Garden City, NY 11530
- Phone: (516) 265-1144
- nyspsych.org/nassau-suffolk-district-branch
New York County Psychiatric Society
- Meagan O'Toole, Executive Director
- m.otoole@nycpsych.org
- 1180 Avenue of the Americas, Floor 8
- New York, NY 10036
- Phone: (212) 685-9633
- Fax: (212) 685-9179
- nycpsych.org
New York State Capital District Branch
- Jennifer Laflin, Executive Director
- nyscapitaldb@gmail.com
- 195 State Route 151
- East Greenbush, NY 12061
- Phone: (518) 859-5108
- nyspsych.org/new-york-state-capital-district-branch
Northern New York District Branch
- Carol Alsheimer, Executive Director
- nnydb@roadrunner.com
- 1764 Burrstone Road
- New Hartford, NY 13413
- Phone: (315) 724-2841
- nyspsych.org/northern-new-york-district-branch
Psychiatric Society of Westchester County Inc
- Megan Rogers, Executive Director
- mrogers@moritthock.co
- 400 Garden City Plz. Ste 200
- Garden City, NY 11530-3336
- Phone: (914) 967-6285
- Fax: (516) 873-2010
- wpsych.org
Queens County Psychiatric Society
- Debbie Wessely, Executive Director, Executive Director
- dawqcps@gmail.com
- 435 Windham Ct N
- Wyckoff, NJ 07481-3472
- Phone: (855) 656-8325
- nyspsych.org/queens-county-psychiatric-society
West Hudson Psychiatric Society
- Liz Burnich, Executive Director
- westhudsonpsych@gmail.com
- PO Box 760
- Nanuet, NY 10954-0760
- Phone: (845) 893-1920
- nyspsych.org/west-hudson-psychiatric-society
Western New York Psychiatric Society
- Anna Rauker, Executive Director
- annarauker@gmail.com
- 1270 Orchard Park Rd
- West Seneca, NY 14224
- Phone: (716) 308-0364
- nyspsych.org/western-new-york-psychiatric-society
North Carolina
North Carolina Psychiatric Association
- Katy Kranze, Executive Director
- kkranze@ncpsychiatry.org
- 222 N. Person Street, Suite 012
- Raleigh, NC 27601
- Phone: (919) 859-3370
- Fax: (919) 851-0044
- ncpsychiatry.org
North Dakota
North Dakota Psychiatric Society
- Courtney Koebele, Executive Director
- courtney@ndmed.com
- 1622 East Interstate Avenue
- Bismarck, ND 58503-0512
- Phone: (701) 223-9475
- Fax: (701) 223-9476
- www.ndmed.org
Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association
- Janet Shaw, Executive Director
- oppa@oppa.org
- PO Box 400
- Dublin, OH 43017-2352
- Phone: (614) 763-0040
- Fax: (614) 481-7559
- ohiopsychiatry.org
Oklahoma Psychiatric Physicians Association
- Christine Cotter and Renee Mixon, Co-Executive Directors
- oklapsychiatry@gmail.com
- PO Box 1328
- Norman, OK 73070-1328
- Phone: (405) 360-5066
- Fax: (405) 360-0665
- oklapsychiatry.org
Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association
- Jade Deitrick, Executive Director
- jdeitrick@nextwavegroup.net
- 574E Ritchie Highway #271
- 1571 Severna Park, MD 21146
- Phone: (503) 967-9511
- Fax: (503) 406-2526
- oregonpsychiatric.org
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society
- Robbi-Ann M. Cook, CAE, Executive Director
- rcook@nextwavegroup.net
- 574E Ritchie Highway, #271
- Severna Park, MD 21146
- Phone: (800) 422-2900
- Fax: (410) 544- 4640
- papsych.org
Puerto Rico
Vilma Perez, Executive Director
- Vilma Perez, Executive Director
- vperez@epcpr.com
- P.O. Box 1054
- Manati, PR 00674
- Phone: (787) 798-4595
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Psychiatric Society
- Ali Walz, Executive Director
- awalz@rimed.org
- 405 Promenade Street Ste. A
- Providence, RI 02908
- Phone: (401) 331-1337
- Fax: (401) 751-8050
- psychri.org
South Carolina
South Carolina Psychiatric Association
- Marie Queen, Executive Director
- marie.queen@scpsych.org
- 1215 Anthony Ave.
- Columbia, SC 29201-1701
- Phone: (803) 540-7501
- Fax: (803) 254-3773
- scpsych.org
South Dakota
South Dakota Psychiatric Association
- Marsha Rist, Executive Director
- Marsha.Rist@usd.edu
- 4400 W 69th St. Ste 1500
- Sioux Falls, SD 57108-8171
- Phone: (605) 322-5719
- Fax: (605) 322-5704
Tennessee Psychiatric Association
- Jackie Cavnar, Executive Director
- jackiecavnar@bellsouth.net
- 295 Plus Park Blvd. Ste 201
- Nashville, TN 37217-5300
- Phone: (615) 419-1492
- Fax: (615) 312-1909
- tnpsych.org
Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians Association
- Dieter Burckhardt, Executive Director
- TSPP@txpsych.org
- 401 W 15th St. Ste 675
- Austin, TX 78701-1665
- Phone: (512) 478-0605
- Fax: (512) 478-5223
- txpsych.org/tspp
Uniformed Services
Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists
- Kevin Feldman, Executive Director
- kfeldman@nextwavegroup.net
- 574E: Ritchie Highway #271
- Severna Park, MD 21146
- Phone: (855) 388-7877
- Fax: (410) 544-4640
- susp.org
Utah Psychiatric Association
- Paige De Mille, Executive Director
- paige@utahmed.org
- 310 E 4500 S Ste 500
- Salt Lake City, UT 84107-4250
- Phone: (801) 747-3500
- Fax: (801) 747-3501
- utahpsychiatry.org
Vermont Psychiatric Association
- Stephanie Winters, Executive Director
- swinters@vtmd.org
- PO Box 1457
- Montpelier, VT 05601-1457
- Phone: (802) 223-7898
Psychiatric Society of Virginia Inc
- Stewart Hinckley, Executive Director
- psv@societyhq.com
- 2209 Dickens Rd.
- Richmond, VA 23230-2005
- Phone: (804) 565-6377
- Fax: (804) 282-0090
- psva.org
Washington State Psychiatric Association
- Debi Johnson, Executive Director
- djmgmt@gmail.com
- 914 164th ST SE # 310
- Mill Creek, WA 98012
- Phone: (425) 971-5822
- wapsychiatry.org
West Virginia Psychiatric Association
- Sophia Bienek-Cate, MS, ALPS, Executive Director
- wvdbpsych@gmail.com
- 78 Cleveland Ave
- Westover, WV 26501
- Phone: (304) 685-2619
Wisconsin Psychiatric Association
- Maggie Gruennert, Executive Director
- maggie@badgerbay.co
- 563 Carter Ct Ste B
- Kimberly, WI 54136-2201
- Phone: (920) 560-5643
- Fax: (920) 882-3655
- thewpa.org
Wyoming Association of Psychiatric Physicians
- Sheila Bush, Executive Director
- sheila@wyomed.org
- PO Box 4009
- Cheyenne, WY 82003-4009
- Phone: (307) 234-4631
- Fax: (307) 632-1973