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APA Board of Trustees Structural Racism Accountability Committee

The APA BOT Structural Racism Accountability Committee (SRAC) was formed in 2021 to ensure the recommendations of the 2020-2021 APA Presidential Task Force to Address Structural Racism Throughout Psychiatry (TFSR) are carried out.

APA’s Board of Trustees (BOT) approved 18 actions recommended by the TFSR along with six directives on issues that need to be updated and monitored by the SRAC. The SRAC will evaluate their success, make recommendations for improvements, and accomplish the other objectives that were noted in the final task force report (.pdf).

Charge of the SRAC

On May 17, 2021, The Board of Trustees voted to establish a Board Committee to continue the work of the Task Force on Structural Racism. The committee will consist of Board members that will be initially responsible for ensuring that the Task Force recommendations are carried out, evaluate their success, make recommendations for improvements, and accomplish the other objectives listed at the end of the attached document.

The Committee will report to the Board at each Board meeting and have the ability to reach out to other members who have expertise in the area or consultants as needed to accomplish the objectives.

The Committee’s tasks may expand as the stated objectives are accomplished. The committee is comprised of Board members who can commit the time needed to do the work well and includes members who were not involved in the Task Force or on the Ad Hoc Work Group on Governance so that the entire Board is deeply invested in the projects.

SRAC Membership


  • Kamalika Roy M.D., MCR, FAPA — APA M/UR Trustee


  • Ramaswamy Viswanathan, M.D., Dr.Med.Sc. — APA President-Elect
  • Rebecca Brendel, M.D., J.D. — APA Immediate-Past President
  • Steven M. Starks, M.D., M.B.A. — APA Assembly Speaker-Elect
  • Richard Zang, M.D., — Chair of APA Assembly Committee on Resident-Fellow
  • Walter Wilson, Jr., M.D., MHA — Chair of APA Council on Council on Minority Mental Health and Health Disparities
  • Gail Robinson, M.D. — Chair of APA Membership Committee
  • Ruby Castilla-Puentes, M.D. — General Member
  • Fiona Fonseca, M.D. — General Member
  • Octavio Martinez, M.D. — General Member
  • Linda Nahulu, M.D. — General Member
  • Linda Vukelich — General Member: District Branch Executive

Administrative Liaisons

  • Regina James, M.D.
  • Gabriel Escontrías, Jr., Ed.D.

SRAC Reports


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