News and Updates
58 Results

Mental Health Equity Champion Spotlight: Dr. Lisa Fortuna
This quarter’s Mental Health Equity Champion is Dr. Lisa Fortuna, professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at the University of California Riverside, School of Medicine.
Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Summer 2024
In this quarterly issue of our Diversity and Health Equity Newsletter, we bring you exciting updates, and engaging story pieces about you, our members.
Housing Instability and Mental Health
In 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the Section 1115 demonstration waiver opportunity to expand the tools available to states to address enrollee health-related social needs (HRSN).
Culture Corner: Black Gay Pride
For many LGBTQ+ communities, June honors and recognizes the impact LGBTQ+ individuals have had on history.
Welcoming the Newly Elected Minority and Underrepresented Caucus Leadership For the Term of 2024-2027
See the newly elected Minority and Underrepresented Caucus Leadership for the term of 2024-2027.
The Moynihan Report Revisited: Exploring Its Impact on Psychiatric Practice
During the month of the report’s 59th anniversary, the APA‘s DDHE sponsored a discussion moderated by Walter Wilson Jr., the chair of the Council on Minority Mental Health and Health Disparities.

Join Us for the Fourth Annual APA Moore Equity in Mental Health 5K!
In celebration of Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, APA and APAF invite you to participate in the Fourth Annual APA Moore Equity in Mental Health 5K.
Gear Up for the 4th Annual APA & APAF Moore Equity in Mental Health 5K Run, Walk, & Roll
The APA and APA Foundation is thrilled to announce the Fourth Annual MOORE Equity in Mental Health 5K, happening nationwide both remotely (in your home community) and in-person at Wheaton Regional Park, in Silver Spring Maryland, on Saturday, July 20, 2024.
Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Spring 2024
In this quarterly issue of our Diversity and Health Equity Newsletter, we bring you exciting updates, and engaging story pieces about you, our members.

Supporting the Future of Psychiatry: Why mentorship can change the future of psychiatry
I once heard psychiatry described as a branch of friendship, not medicine. Among all fields of health care, psychiatry stands out for being deeply relational and warmly intimate.

Chief's Corner – Dr. Regina James
Welcome to Women's History Month. This month, we are highlighting yet another phenomenal woman and mental health equity champion, Dr. Mary Hasbah Roessel.
Achieve Mental Health Equity Update: Fall 2023
In this quarterly issue of our Diversity and Health Equity Newsletter, we bring you exciting updates, and engaging story pieces about you, our members.