Anyone else have thousands of photos on their phone like us? If you do, then you know how much of a pain it can be trying to find a photo in your albums. That’s why on today’s episode of Out-Tech Your Kids podcast, we’re answering this question: How do I quickly search my iPhone photos (and not lose my mind).

Out-Tech Your Kids, episode 3 | How do I quickly search my iPhone photos?

Spoiler: We share a super cool, super easy trick that will make searching so much easier. Seriously, this is mind blowing.

You can listen right now (seriously, the episode is under 15 minutes), and then be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts (or wherever you get your favorites). While you’re there, if you would be so kind to leave us a 5-star review, we would greatly appreciate it. And if you like what you hear, head over to our Out-Tech Your Kids Facebook group and join other parents (like you! and us!) to talk tech-positive parenting.

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Sofia Family Digital Activity Manager can revolutionize how parents can monitor, track and limit screen time for the whole family | Sponsor

Out-Tech Your Kids is brought to you by Sofia Family, and we’re so happy they’ve created a digital activity manager that does all the things parents have been asking for for years! It’s the first dedicated digital activity time manager built to work across all of your devices, both on and offline. It can even track individual users on shared devices, all from a single app on your own phone or tablet. But what’s best is that they know it’s not a substitute for good parenting. Just another tool to help you raise kids to make good choices on their own…with a little help for now.

Head over to their website to learn more, and pro tip: Sign up for their mailing list! It’s free, and you’ll get first access to their product when it launches, plus really helpful expert tech tips (like you get on our podcast), maybe even from us.