With kids doing online learning, and parents working (and screening ourselves), we thought it would be a good idea to tackle eye strain and fatigue on this week’s episode of Out-Tech Your Kids. In just ten minutes, you’ll get some helpful tips, product recommendations, and exercises that you can do to help you alleviate any eye strain you or your family members might be experiencing, but also help prevent it from happening.

You can listen right now, and then head over to Apple Podcasts (or wherever you get your favorite podcasts) to subscribe so you never miss an episode.

Photo by iyinoluwa John Onaeko on Unsplash

From our sponsor

Get the new Sofia Family digital activity time manager on Indiegogo | sponsor

Out-Tech Your Kids is graciously brought to you by Sofia Family, and their screen time manager, which can be controlled by a single app on your phone or tablet. It’s built to work across all your devices, both on and offline, created by a dad of four who was sick of fighting with his kids about screen time.

With the Sofia Family Hub plugged into your media center and the app on all mobile devices, Sofia Family works to help parents manage screen time and teach balance, something we could all use. Head over to their website to learn more!