I often like adding Boomerangs to an Instagram Story to help change things up from still photos. But then, I either have to go shoot a Boomerang in Instagram (and figure out what to shoot) or open the Boomerang app itself. Not one of life’s greatest problems, but still

Turns out, there’s a super easy way to make a Boomerang for Instagram Stories using your Live Photos in your iOS photo library. And it takes no more time than uploading any photo to stories at all.

In fact, I’ve been sharing this Instagram story trick with all my friends lately and they think I’m a genius. I am totally not a genius — just someone who really likes Instagram tricks! (I still use the trick for making ombre text all the time.) So now I’m sharing it with you so you can seem like a genius too.

3/2020: This is no longer working with the newest ersion of Instagram (124.0)
See below for an update and a workaround. 

Related: Instagram Story tip: How to change your photo date and time stamp so you can use older photos


How to turn Live Photos into Boomerangs for Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories Trick: Turning Live Photos into Boomerangs. Step 1

1. Take photos using the Live Photos feature. I tend to keep it on because it allows me to edit easily to find a better frame of wiggly kids, or to see the photo animate which is always kind of cool.

2. Open up your Instagram stories tab, and upload the Live Photo you want to use.

Instagram Stories Trick: Turning Live Photos into Boomerangs. Step 2

3. While in Stories, press down and hold the photo — the same way you’d press it to animate the photo in your camera roll . Look what appears!

Instagram Stories Trick: Turning Live Photos into Boomerangs. (Or reverting it back to a still photo)

Press the photo again, and it reverts to a “normal” still photo.

Instagram Stories Trick: Turning Live Photos into Boomerangs: Step 4

4. Let go and now you’ve got your Boomerang. Add to your story.  Done!

The shot still remains in your photo library as a still photo too, so…best of both worlds.

All photos © Liz Gumbinner for Cool Mom Tech


UPDATE: A kind of workaround if this isn’t working for you.

It seems that the latest version of Instagram has removed this trick as a function. [INSERT HUGE SAD FACE EMOJI.] Instead, try this tip:

  1. Go into your photo roll and click on the Live Photo you want to share
  2. Tape the “share” icon, scroll down your list, and click “video” to export it as a video.
  3. Share as a :03 second video instead of a Boomerang.

I know I know, it’s not the fun of a Boomerang. But it does give you an option to insert more motion into your Insta Stories instead of just another still photo.

We’ll keep you updated if we learn anything new!