3 ways to calm your cell phone radiation fears

3 ways to calm your cell phone radiation fears

I admit that when I read about World Health Organization report that cell phone use can possibly cause cancer, I got a little bit worried. Before you panic, it’s important to know that no adverse health effects have actually been established. And really,...
Dads Dig This: MyPlate calorie tracker

Dads Dig This: MyPlate calorie tracker

Welcome Dads Dig This guest blogger Jim Higley, Chicago Tribune columnist, cancer survivor, and single dad to three kids. His book Bobblehead Dad comes out on June 1. I’m a big fan of LIVESTRONG not just because I’m a cancer survivor, but because I’m...
Using technology to get kids outside to play

Using technology to get kids outside to play

Understand that I am happily in the “throw the kids outside periodically and let them figure it out” camp of kids and exercise; I think that for many kids, that’s all it takes to make sure they’re moving around enough. But for some kids, you...