Cordito cord organizer | Cool Mom Picks

The more gadgets I feel I need to travel with, the more cords I find I’m cramming into a little zip bag–which means the more cords I’m frantically untangling when I realize the power on my phone is down to 2% and I need a charge. A better solution? Got it.

I love the Cordito, and not just for the name. This handmade leather roll (get it? Like a burrito?) comes in one of 4 colors and can store 3 cables and up to 2 plugs for easy, tangle-free access. Plus it’s got that sexy manly leather thing going, which makes it a cool Father’s Day gift too. Albeit one I would totally steal.

The fact it’s made in the US is a bonus; the fact it’s discounted right now at Uncovet clinches it for me.

Keep away from guacamole. –Liz

If you’re not an Uncovet member, this link will get you membership, and a chance to buy the nifty little Cordito cord management roll on sale while it lasts.