Clearly mobile charging technology is about the hottest tech trend these days, just as we predicted back in January. Especially now that we can’t leave home without something that rings, vibrates, or keeps your fingers occupied on your commute. (Take that as you will.) But now there’s finally an option that is–dare I say it?–fun.

Mimoco BatteryBot Mobile Charger | Cool Mom Tech


Made by Mimobot, makers of the awesome character based flash drives we adore, they’ve applied the same quirky design sensibility to a pocket-sized back-up battery charger. The feet even glow when it’s charging. 

It’s in Kickstarter mode now, but they’re going to hit their goal in not much more time than it takes to charge up your phone fully, which is 5 hours. Pledge $50 now and you’ll be one of the first to get the licensed $80 battery charger, right off the production line. The only downside: You’ll have to wait until June of 2014. Sorry holiday shoppers. –Liz

Check out the BatteryBot back-up battery charger on Kickstarter now. The universal charging cable means they work with any phone.