Breakfast in bed, with a techie twist

Breakfast in bed, with a techie twist

Every year, my kids try to bring me breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day. They also know how much I cherish my Sunday New York Times, so it’s often an uneasy balance between granola and my beloved paper covered in almond milk. It’s a sweet gesture,...
Your life…turned into a comic book

Your life…turned into a comic book

Ready for one crazy addictive app for you iPhoneographers and world travelers?   Halftone lets you iOS users turn your pictures into pages straight out of a comic book. The colors are bright and vibrant, the fonts are straight out of an old Batman episode, and...
Picture perfect cookies

Picture perfect cookies

What do you get the person who is always behind the camera–but maybe you’re not about to shell out for a new $400 lens? Here’s one awesome idea. I am just loving these camera cookie cutters from Photojojo (kind of like we love everything there). But...
DIY headphones that look as sweet as they sound

DIY headphones that look as sweet as they sound

I’m already a huge fan of Aerial7’s Tank headphones: the perfect sound, the comfy fit, and the fun bright colors. The only thing that could make my set of Tanks even more perfect is if I could custom design a pair. And guess what? Now I can. The Tank...