Put yourself on exhibit with The Museum of Me

Put yourself on exhibit with The Museum of Me

If you’re especially proud of all the hard work and time you’ve put into Facebook–writing funny comments on people’s walls, creating clever status updates and choosing only the cutest photos of your kids for your photo albums–you’ll...
3 cool apps for older kids

3 cool apps for older kids

As much as my little ones love to play with my iPhone, my nearly 7 year-old daughter enjoys her fair share of play time, usually with games that I’ve downloaded for myself. (Who can resist Angry Birds and Tiny Wings?) So this past week I went on a search for fun...
Camera + app

Camera + app

Chasing after four kids means that pretty much all my pictures are taken with my iPhone 4 camera. Not such a bad thing if you’ve seen some of the shots it can take, though I somehow still feel guilty when I see moms whipping out their fancy SLRs. But since...
My new gaming obsession: Tiny Wings

My new gaming obsession: Tiny Wings

Yes, I may be the last person in America to discover the awesomeness that is Tiny Wings, now an essential part of my morning commute. The game is every bit as addictive as Angry Birds, only with less anger and more flying. Can tens of thousands of five-star ratings at...
Reader Q+A –  Hipstamatic for Android?

Reader Q+A – Hipstamatic for Android?

Q: Aw man…where is the Hipstamatic for us Android users? -Cool Mom Tech fan via Facebook. A: Lots of readers agreed with Debi Mazar’s Hipstamatic app recommendation on our site last week, but our Android users are again asking, “where’s my...
Dads Dig This: MyPlate calorie tracker

Dads Dig This: MyPlate calorie tracker

Welcome Dads Dig This guest blogger Jim Higley, Chicago Tribune columnist, cancer survivor, and single dad to three kids. His book Bobblehead Dad comes out on June 1. I’m a big fan of LIVESTRONG not just because I’m a cancer survivor, but because I’m...
Orb music player is music to your ears

Orb music player is music to your ears

Over the years, I’ve spent a lot of time and money adding music to my digital collection, and making playlists for every event imaginable.  With warmer weather just around the corner, I’d like to think that my “BBQ Music,” “Summer...
Jump on the Word Wagon bandwagon

Jump on the Word Wagon bandwagon

There are so many kids’ apps geared towards teaching letters and phonics and let’s be honest, a lot of them suck. But when we hear that developer Duck Duck Moose has got one out, we sit up and take notice. Word Wagon is a very cute kids’ learning app...