When we first discovered Daymaker, we fell instantly in love with the organization’s use of tech to easily allow good samaritans — as in, you and your kids — to anonymously fulfill the holiday gift wish lists of kids in need. Now they’re doing the same thing for back to school gear and supplies. And it’s awesome.

One issue: There’s only one day left!

Daymaker lets you donate back-to-school gear to foster kids in need

Daymaker lets you browse the wish lists of children by age or location, by interest (arts & crafts, reading, sports, STEM), or if you’re doing this with your own child — which is really how the site is designed for use — try their  “buddy finder” so your child can match up with a kid who shares some of their own interests. Then, send a single item or fulfill one child’s entire wishlist.

The kids are all identified through respected local non-profits across the country, from Boys & Girls Clubs to local Ronald McDonald Houses, to foster care agencies and social service organizations of all kinds.

As long as we’re all shelling out for our own kids’ new back to school gear right now, if you can afford it, it’s nice to spend just a little more for something as simple as a backpack, water bottle, or set of markers that can give a child the confidence to walk into a brand new classroom on the first day and feel awesome about themselves.

And hey, if you miss the school supply opportunities, there’s always sponsoring children’s birthday wish lists. Wonderful.