Now in its 15th year, the APA Gives Back program provides an opportunity for APA, its members, and its Annual Meeting attendees to support a community mental health organization in the city hosting the Annual Meeting. This year’s recipient is the Ali Forney Center.

The Ali Forney Center (AFC) is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive organization dedicated to protecting LGBTQ youth from the harms of homelessness. Each year AFC sees over 2,200 young people who are kicked out of their homes due to homophobia and transphobia. 90% of the young people who go to the AFC state religious beliefs as the leading cause of their homelessness. 95% of its clients are individuals of color largely comprised of Black and Latino communities. Nearly half of these young people come to New York City from across the country, mainly the south, fleeing homophobic and transphobic homes, and communities. Due to the current political climate, the Center has experienced a 20% increase in the number of youth fleeing their homes from these states.
The Ali Forney Center’s programs are designed to help young people overcome the traumas of homelessness and family rejection through wrap-around services including medical and mental health services, job readiness training and educational programming. Simultaneously, the young people it serves are offered a safe space to heal and build a life of their choosing in one of its 19-site-scattered housing program.
As the largest and longest running agency doing this work, the Center supports smaller organizations and groups of activists that aim to support similar populations. Through capacity building and conferences, the Ali Forney Center expands its reach across the United States and throughout the world.
Donate to the Ali Forney Center.